Symptoms of Stomach Ulcer and Nutrition

One of the major symptoms of stomach ulcers is indigestion. Indigestion causes discomfort or pain in the stomach. Sometimes people mistaken stomach ulcers for heartburn. All symptoms don’t show at once. The symptoms vary based on the level of ulcer and, most times, nutrition.

Some of the symptoms of an ulcer when it strikes or while taking medication include;

  • Stooling with blood, severe stomach pains overnight, nausea, chronic heartburn.
  • Vomiting, feeling faint, abdominal pains between belly buttons and chest, breathing issues, change in appetite, dark stools, and unexpected weight loss.

Not all peptic ulcers cause indigestion. The pains are sometimes regarded as gnawing or biting. Some people call it signs of hunger. Not all symptoms of stomach ulcers are noticeable. Some don’t show any signs of indigestion type pains. Such ulcers are rare and are only noticeable when bleeding starts.

Some ulcers cause holes in stomach walls, and it is called perforation. It is a serious condition if the stomach ulcers are left untreated for a long time.


Nutrition is another factor that determines how you manage your ulcer. When you take care of the food you eat, it’s the first step to managing your ulcer. There are certain types of foods that trigger the symptoms of an ulcer. Such food should be avoided because it causes irritation which increases the level of discomfort. Such pains might be unbearable.

Some symptoms you notice from the food that irritates your stomach include bloating, stomach pain, heartburn or indigestion, etc.

What are those foods?

Those foods are the ones that make you uncomfortable after taking them. Those foods are the ones you should limit or avoid. To manage your ulcer, not a cure, the following are foods that may worsen your ulcer symptoms:

Fried foods: fried foods don’t cause ulcers. They worsen them. Some fried foods consumed include; fried meat or fish, fried plantain, fried yam, and so on.

Spicy foods: some people think spicy foods cause ulcers. It doesn’t. It only worsens the ulcer. You might notice some discomfort or pains after taking spicy foods. If you do feel such pains, then you should stop or reduce the intake. Some spicy foods include; pepper soup, burgers, chicken, suya, etc.

Hard and crunchy snacks or foods: Hard and crunchy foods have hard surfaces or are hard foods. They may cause friction when in contact with the stomach lining with an ulcer. This causes more pain when eating the type of food. Some hard and crunchy food consumed are; plantain chips, roasted corn, roasted plantain, garri (cassava flour), roasted yam, etc.

Avoid carbonated drinks: Carbonated drinks and not good for ulcer patients. There are a lot of videos online on the corrosive effects of some drinks on the stomach or meat. Imagine if such types of drink are taken on an empty stomach or on a stomach with an ulcer. It’s going to increase the discomfort or cause further damage to the stomach lining. If you are suffering from stomach ulcers, Avoid drinks like; coke, malt, sprite, alcohol, caffeine beverages, lacasera, etc.

Avoid acidic foods like citrus: There are claims that acidic foods cause ulcers. There is no proof yet for that. But they make the ulcer condition worse. They are adding to Stomach acids. They include citruses, like orange and lime.  Guava and pineapple also cause discomfort for many ulcer patients.

When eating these foods regularly, the ulcer will get worse and can cause discomfort. While Taking drugs to relief or treat our stomach ulcers, you should avoid the foods listed above. They won’t allow the drugs or treatment work. It will only elongate the treatment time.

Those foods should be avoided while treating or managing your ulcer. There are other diets you can take. But if you feel you can’t stay away from all these foods, then try to limit them.

If you have a curable plan for ulcers, not managing ulcers, then try to avoid all those foods totally until you are certain to be cured.

Treating ulcers is not easy. You should adhere to the nutritional requirements stated by your doctor. The main ones to avoid are those discussed above.

The question now is, how do you treat your ulcer? Is there a permanent cure? Yes, there is a permanent cure. But most of all treatments out there don’t cure ulcers permanently. Most treatment only manages or reduces the symptoms for a short time. Majority of those that claim to cure only do so temporarily. They don’t cure permanently.

Do you know you can cure ulcers permanently? And this is something you can prepare yourself. To get the permanent cure, Read my post on

Stomach Ulcer Fast Cure Using a Natural Method You Can Prepare Yourself

Not a temporary treatment. It is a unique life-changing permanent cure for stomach ulcers.

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